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Learn Pack Official Documentation

In order to use LearnPack as a teacher, you must follow these steps:

  1. Initialize LearnPack by typing the following command on your computer terminal:
$ learnpack init
  1. You will be asked to select the language you wish the tutorial to be based on:


  1. Next, you will select the type of exercises you wish the tutorial be based on:

Incremental: exercises are built on top of each other.

Isolated: individual separated exercises.


  1. For the next step, you will be asked to enter a title for the tutorial:


  1. Next, you will be asked to enter a description for the tutorial:


  1. For the next step you will be asked to select the difficulty of the tutorial:


  1. Lastly, you will be asked for the amount of hours (avg.) you'd like the exercises to take in order to complete:


Once you have completed all these steps you would have ran LearnPack.


Creating and Editing Exercises

Once all the steps above have been completed, you will have a folder called "exercises" .

Inside of the "exercises" file, as a teacher you must create a "" file in order to advise the student what to do for the exercise.

Next, you must create an "app.js" folder where the student will be able to input their code to complete the exercise.

Lastly, you must create a "test.js" file where the automatic-test to grade the exercise will be located.


Once you have created all desired exercises along with the instructions and test file you can publish it for students to be able to access it and practice.

In order to publish, type the following command in your computer terminal:

$ learnpack publish

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